Mario de Oliveira Secrets

This article presents a novel approach for damage detection applied to structural health monitoring systems exploring the residues obtained from singular spectrum analysis.

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This work presents a prototype based on a microcomputer to assess the performance of newborn incubators in a semi-automatic way.

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Mario do Oliveira: Todos nós temos aqueles tempo em qual nãeste sentimos vontade por executar nada produtivo. Tudo parece errado e você sente qual nãeste faz sentido fazer nada.

We study the heat transport properties of a chain of coupled quantum harmonic oscillators in contact at its ends with two heat reservoirs at distinct temperatures.

We study in this chapter the phase diagrams of daniel dantas facebook multicomponent systems. The representation that provides the simplest diagrams is that composed only by thermodynamic fields.

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After a while, the temperature becomes equal and the heat flow ceases. From that moment on the bodies are in thermal equilibrium.

In here this chapter we study mixtures of two components, called binary mixtures which are quite common in nature, both the homogeneous and heterogeneous.

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